Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Valuable Lessons

Sorry for the long delay in posting. We have been dealing with some issues with Steve's long term disability insurance which resulted in our need to move, request assistance from family, a state representative and the state department of insurance, and basically have a daily panic attack for almost a month. During that period I did not feel like I should be discussing the issues in a public forum. Especially since my thoughts were entirely negative.

Things have been resolved and Steve has finally been approved for long term disability. Through the process we have learned some valuable lessons.

Our families love us

Yes, we knew we were loved before this but their love was tangible during the last month. Without their financial assistance we would have never made it. But, what was even more amazing, was the sheer number of people who were willing to help us move with less than a week's notice, through a freak snow storm. I am afraid I will never be able to repay their kindness. The great thing about families is they don't expect to be repaid. But, I have made a personal vow to drop everything to help family, regardless of how short the notice.

Public agencies do help if you get to the right person

Steve spent hours on the phone trying to get us help when we needed it. He quickly found that the first person he spoke to did not always have the authority to get things done. He had to speak to supervisors of supervisors until he found a person who could help. In one instance he had to call in a third party. Thankfully, all of the work he put in paid off in the end. I believe they make it hard on purpose in order to determine if you have a legitimate need.

Patience is truly a virtue

One of the hardest lessons I had to learn, was simply to be patient. I always want things to happen yesterday. When it comes to insurance companies and state agencies, that's not how they work. Ever. I spent a considerable amount of time on my knees asking God to give me the patience to wait for the answers.

It is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when the flood gates open and you believe you are drowning. I learned in the last month that God does hear your prayers. He just moves at his own pace, not mine. It was not an easy lesson to learn, believe me.

Now that things have calmed down, I can get back to the things that are truly important, like getting our house organized and getting ready for the holidays.

What lessons have you learned recently?